Get inspired with these Inspirational Quotes
Fear of loss doesn’t protect you from loss, but it does protect you from gains. - deep life quotes
Author: T. Harv Eker
#deep life quotes
People always hate those who speak the truth, but they shouldn’t… Such people never stab you in the back. - deep life quotes
Author: B. C. Forbes
Some people have souls as deep as the ocean you want to dive into them. Others are like puddles you’d better walk around them to avoid getting dirty. - deep life quotes
Author: Clarissa Pinkola Estés
It’s true what they say a woman’s behavior is a reflection of a man’s attitude. - deep life quotes
Author: Voltaire
When a wise man was asked, Should we spoil children? he replied, Absolutely. You never know what hardships life has in store for them. - deep life quotes
Author: John F Kennedy
Life doesn’t give you the people you want. It gives you the people you need. They will hurt you, love you, teach you, and break you to shape you into who you are meant to be. - deep life quotes
Author: John D Rockefeller
Hug little ones at every opportunity! Because small children still smell of God. - deep life quotes
Author: Sarah Williams
When entering someone’s life, make sure it becomes better than it was before you. - deep life quotes
Author: Maya Angelou
Cherish your grandparents; not everyone still has theirs. - deep life quotes
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Sometimes, you just need to leave everything alone… including yourself. - deep life quotes
Author: Katherine May
Every disappointment opens the eyes but closes the heart. - deep life quotes
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
If a person is irritated by small things, it means something big is bothering them. - deep life quotes
Author: Rizz
You’re lucky if you find both love and friendship in one person. - deep life quotes
Author: Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Learn to love yourself it’s the beginning of your inner freedom! - deep life quotes
Author: Dr. Christine J. Moutier
People often overestimate what they don’t have and underestimate what they do. - deep life quotes
Author: Søren Kierkegaard