Get inspired with these Inspirational Quotes
Read inspo short quotes for quick inspiration and motivation.
To change life for the better, a mirror is essential. - inspo short quotes
Author: Hermann Hesse
#inspo short quotes
The smallest words, “yes” and “no,” require the greatest thought. - inspo short quotes
Author: Pablo Picasso
A sword frequently drawn from its scabbard soon becomes blunt. - inspo short quotes
Author: Walter Scott
Those who look for the bad in people will surely find it. - inspo short quotes
Author: Abraham Lincoln
those who have no faults have very few virtues. - inspo short quotes
Author: Benjamin Franklin
Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. - inspo short quotes
What is meant for you, no one can take away. - inspo short quotes
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Years change a person more than books do. - inspo short quotes
Author: Henry David Thoreau
Listen to others' advice or reject it, but never stray from your own. - inspo short quotes
Author: Mahatma Gandhi
When in another country, follow the rules you find there. - inspo short quotes
Author: Unknown
The world belongs to the patient. - inspo short quotes
Don’t touch the problem until the problem touches you. - inspo short quotes
Author: Anonymous
Only a true friend will tell you your face is dirty. - inspo short quotes
Author: Proverb
A true friend will never say: 'I told you so,' even if they did. – Wendy Jean Smith - inspo short quotes
Author: Wendy Jean Smith
A man’s true purpose is to live, not merely to exist. – Jack London - inspo short quotes
Author: Jack London